Wednesday, September 5, 2012

DC Zero Issues Roll Out The Legacies

This week is the beginning of DC Comics' Zero Issue initiative, where all their DC New 52 titles publish a flashback issue zero, but one that still has relevance to the ongoing narrative, and more importantly the next issue. You know, like you first read about on Bleeding Cool.

What we didn't tell you (because we had no idea) was that the books wouldn't so much look at the character's origins' but all the characters that came before them. So GI Combat, looks at the Unknown Soldiers from every war. Including ones before they invented head bandages.

Animal Man looks at Red avatars that came before the current Buddy Baker. And with Arcane doing his best Mission Impossible impression

And then doing the exact same thing over on Swamp Thing in the nineteenth century.

And while we know of Jenny Quantum and Jenny Sparks at Stormwatch, in Stormwatch #0 we get to see a bunch of previous Jenny Century babies back to the days of Demon Knights, joining up the dots between the two series, and also giving us, however briefly, Jenny Freedom. Wy do I get the tickling feeling that she'll be back?

But the best legacy character by a long way, has to be in Dial H #0. In which we not only see a Dialer from ancient times, but also exactly what she has to dial.

A Sun Dial.

Which has to be turned at noon every day to dial a new letter.

It takes four days to dial, folks.

For a relaunch that seemed to do away with a lot of legacy characters, it looks like we may be getting a bunch more'


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