As of this week, Black Kiss 2, Howard Chaykin's sequel to his sexually explicit comic book of the eighties, is banned in the UK. But why? And how come issue 1 was allowed in after a brief UK Customs-based delay?
There is a difference between the first and second issues however, and it's one that that UK Customs has been rather sensitive over. While guidelines on the creation and impirtation of pornography have been widely relaxed in recent years, there are two areas that Customs remains sensitive to, that of child pornography and violent pornography. And with issue two, Black Kiss 2 goes firmly into the latter of those territories.
Spoilers, folks.
Because in issue 2, one character, while engaging quite visibly in fellatio, bites the penis off another character. Then spits it across the room, blood still pumping from both stumps.
It is likely, though Customs rarely comment on such things, that it is this scene, quite explicitly shown and similarly expected scenes in subsequent issues, that made Diamond decide not to bother Customs with this or future issues.
Although some people are clearly managing to circumvent the ruling' expect the larger and more service-led comic stores in Britain to go the extra mile and import the comic books in.
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