Saturday, April 28, 2012

Is Leonard Nimoy Coming Back For The Next Star Trek Movie?

As of yet, there's no video of the conversation online, but Leonard Nimoy this week appeared on CNN during coverage of the Shuttle Enterprise heading into New York.

As you'd expect, there was questioning about the new Star Trek film, and Nimoy ended up giving an answer I really wouldn't have expected.

Here's the relevant portion of the chat, as transcribed by Airlock Alpha:

CNN Person: we were talking about the new Star Trek movie. It was great, you did a great job in it. And we were just about talking about that just before ' will you be in another Star Trek movie?

Nimoy: Uhh, we're talking. We're talking.

CNN Person: Talking' [laughs] Hopefully.

In short, Nimoy has said that he's talking about another appearance. This pretty much flies in the face of everything I thought I knew: that he'd retired, that the sequel wasn't going to feature any old-Trek faces, that the script would be so locked down that something as significant as this couldn't be up in the air at this point.

But I don't think he'd make it up.

I'll continue looking for video or audio, as hearing the tone might throw some slightly different light on the picture but it does seem, from this transcript, that Abrams and co. aren't quite done with Old Spock yet.


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