Thursday, May 17, 2012

The 17 Remaining DCU Subscription Titles ' And Could Aquaman Make The 18th? (UPDATE)

Not so much the New 52, as the New 17.

This is the list I've been given of comic books that will still be offered by subscription after their tenth issues, halved from what it was earlier in the year.

Action Comics
Batman And Robin
Batman: The Dark Knight
Detective Comics
Green Arrow
Green Lantern
Green Lantern Corps
Justice League
Teen Titans
Wonder Woman

The other titles currently offered for subscription ' Animal Man, Superboy, Red Hood, Swamp Thing, Justice League Dark, Batwoman, Green Lantern: New Guardians, Red Lanterns, Legion Of Superheroes, Birds Of Prey, Blue Beetle and Savage Hawkman, will have their contracts cancelled and either refunds issued or the remaining balance passed on to a different title.

As well as these books, DC will continue to offer their Cartoon Network titles as usual.

UPDATE: But it seems that as a result of Bleeding Cool concern, and despite DC Comics not returning any of our emails, there may be a change for at least one title.

On his Facebook page, Dan DiDio has replied to concern saying;

Unfortunately we are cancelling certain subscriptions that don't do not get enough mail orders to justify the subscription service. A best selling book does not always translate to a high selling subscription and there is very little relation between the two. t

Well, given some feedback, you might say that we reviewed the list and Aquaman might be 'off the hook'.

Wiggle wiggle.



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