Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A Major Character Death In The Walking Dead #98. Again.

And there I was thinking they'd be saving this kind of thing for The Walking Dead #100. But no.

That's the thing about the comic book, you just don't know who, where or when, but your favopurite characters are going to snuff it. Shane, it's invitable, they die.

Even if they become fan favourites. Especially if they become fan favourites.

This is not a lingering death, this is not a spoiler, someone is killed, and they die pretty much straight away, and that's it and bloody hell.

The Walking Dead has always been about the tiniest slice of hope, in the maw of death and depression. That possibility that keeps them going, that keeps us going, that there is light at the end of the tunnel. But of late, that light has been getting dimmer and dimmer.

This is why it's important to read Chew after reading Walking Dead. If nothing else, it is a palette cleanser. And that's a very strange thing to say about Chew.

The question remains then' what the hell are they planning for issue one hundred?

You really ought to be reading this comic monthly, you know.

The Walking Dead #98 courtesy of Orbital Comics, London, currently exhibiting a Dan Parent Archie Comics exhibition.


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