Wednesday, May 9, 2012

New Doctor Who To Premiere This August

The opening episode of the next series of Doctor Who, we believe, is the one with the cornucopia of Daleks. Every size, shape and colour of killer pepperpot putting their subtle differences aside to exterminate as one.

Can't wait.

Well, can wait. Have to wait.

The episode has been slated to premiere this August, somewhere between the 23rd and 25th, at the MediaGuardian Edinburgh International Television Festival. What that means about an actual BBC airdate remains to be seen. Surely they won't keep the masses waiting too much longer?

In view of this new info I'll throw my predicto-dart at September for the TV screening. That would be nice, anyway. And it would mean that the show goes off air somewhere between early October and the start of November before taking a short pause ahead of the Christmas special. Doesn't sound ridiculous.

Also set for the fest are Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss's Sherlock masterclass, a conversation between Charlie Brooker and Caitlin Moran, and Ruth Jones' doing something. Sounds like I'd have a whale of a time.


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