Yesterday, Fox News decided to suggest that because DC have plans to reintroduce one of their iconic characters to the New 52 as a gay man, that meant that Superman might be gay.
Today, the closest (and I originally mispelt that as 'closet') thing the UK has to Fox News, the Daily Mail does the same, but goes with Batman.
Though at least, in the context of the piece, they source this conclusion as the speculation of one person on Twitter.
There has been much speculation on Twitter about who the character could be
@JenWhy12 Tweeted: 'One of the characters of DC comics will be gay, what one will it be? I hope it's Batman.'
@dnghia added: 'DC Comics is about to unveil that one of its supeheroes is gay. Who do you think it is? My money is on Aquaman.'
DC Comics' portfolio includes iconic characters such as Batman and Robin, Superman, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern.
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