Friday, August 3, 2012

Check Out This Brand New Bloody Trailer For Cockneys Vs Zombies

There's a temptation right now to attempt this news story in cockney rhyming slang, but it's likely that it would only lead to embarrassment, tears, and possible a public apology or two. So we're not going to do that.

Here's the new red-band trailer for Matthias Hoene's Cockneys Vs. Zombies, featuring a showcase of the main cast with quite an emphasis on Alan Ford's curmudgeonly old Ray Macguire.

That trailer is a mixed bag. There are some great kills and a few funny gags in there, but it pushes the 'it's funny because it's an old person swearing!' aspect a bit too far, and I don't think I've ever heard rhyming slang used this self-consciously before. Perhaps an important part of maintaining for the appeal for an international audience is making sure everyone has time to figure out what 'mutt 'n' jeff' means, but it gives a sense that Cockneys Vs. Zombies might better be titled What People From Coventry Think Cockneys Are Like Vs. Zombies.

What do I know, though? When they flashed up an image of the Krays in the opening seconds, I thought at first it was a picture of Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones from Men In Black. I'm right mum and dad, me!

Cockneys Vs. Zombies is premiered at Frightfest at the end of the month and some tickets are still available.


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