Friday, August 10, 2012

Yes, It's Official, Si Spurrier And Tan Eng Huat To Launch X-Men Legacy

It was teased last week. And, as we told you this morning, due to be announced today.

Well, MTV Geek have just confirmed the news that Si Spurrier, of this parish, and Tan Eng Huat are to launch the new X-book, X-Men Legacy, for MArvel NOW! in November. And here's the art to prove it.


a brand new take on X-Men Legacy, from writer Si Spurrier and artist Tan Eng Huat. And though the title is changing hands, and even leads ' the lead is now on Professor Xavier's son Legion, in a post-Avengers vs. X-Men world that may ' or may not ' be without Xavier himself, it seems like the focus is the same' Namely, what the X-Men have left behind.


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