The closing film of this last weekend's ever-brilliant Frightfest was the world premiere of Tower Block.
I wasn't expecting great things but I almost got them. The film is a sometimes slightly silly John Carpenter pastiche with a handful of stand-out scenes, some nifty surprises and a fun central conceit. And the action work is always solid, with most of the basics well taken care of.
The trailer has premiered this afternoon. IGN got the premiere it with this plot blurb that contains, perhaps, a bit too much info ' and a factual innacuracy. You may choose not to read the blurb, or indeed watch the trailer, and go in as cold and unprepared as the crowd at last night's premiere.
Now, here's the trailer.
Don't expect anything as cogent or fully realised as Attack the Block, but I can promise you that a lot of people will have a very, very good time with this film.
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