Saturday, August 11, 2012

Video: Frank Darabont's Very Different Plans For The Walking Dead Season Two

Bleeding Cool was none too impressed with the second season of The Walking Dead. Admittedly, the second half stepped up a little from the first but, really, we weren't happy. And by we I really mean Hannah Shaw-Williams, but seeing as we own her soul, we might as well claim her opinions too.

Perhaps the sudden drop in quality was something to do with the departure of original show runner Frank Darabont? It's not necessarily that Darabont was the only one to give season one its mojo, it could be a more subtle correlation. Perhaps there was an underlying problem that led to both changes.

Or maybe it was just a coincidence.

Darabont had written a season two premiere that picked up just seconds after end of 'year one' and detailed the main characters' escape from Atlanta, and this script was (at the very least mainly) filmed. Some of this footage ended up being used in the episode as screened, but most of that was actually made up of scenes from the planned second episode.

EW report that we're going to see some of these deleted scenes on the upcoming Blu-ray set. How many isn't clear ' it could, I suppose, be everything as yet unseen. It could, in theory, be the episode as originally intended, but that seems like a long shot.

For now, there's just the one scene available, and here it is. What might have been.


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