Friday, June 15, 2012

Friday Runaround ' Thanos Is Off The Wall

CirqueWatch: Marvel Comics are launching a new comic based on Cirque du Soleil called KA at San Diego Comic Con, Bryan JL Glass and illustrated by Wellinton Alves.

But rather than the behind the scenes of a couple of people who sharpen chainsaws on their metal crotch, it's a Game Of Thronesy fantasy.

BugWatch: Kurt Busiek pledges to eat insects to help Lea Hernandez get her Kickstarter total.

I want THE GARLICKS to happen. I want that book. I want it so bad, I'm willing to eat a bug to get people to support it. Or at least, I'm willing to claim to.

I have no limits. I will claim to eat any kind of bug you want. If enough pledges come in, I'm perfectly willing to claim to have caused the extinction of entire insect species. I'm just that committed.

KindleWatch: Amazon update their Kindle App for Apple devices, aimed at making comics a better read.

The new Kindle Panel View makes reading comics and graphic novels simpler and more immersive; in our early exploration using the updated Kindle app on a new iPad, even tiny comic book next was easy to read. Tap on an individual comic panel for a magnified view.

xxxWatch: Film writer for Bleeding Cool, Brendon Connelly, will be camped out in Hall H at San Diego this year. Looks like he'll be getting less film and more telly. He won't be happy'

xxxWatch: When zombies advertise.

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This is Computo the Comic Link Conqueror speaking. I come for your women. But for now I merely collate comic-related bits and pieces online. One day I will rule. Until that day, read on.

They say I am a work in progress. The fools.

Kindle App Updated With Batman and Curious George Support | Gadget Lab |

The Panel View panel-by-panel reading experience for graphic novels and comic books is slightly different from the feature found in the Comics app from Comixology. Instead of presenting the expanded panel alone on screen, the Kindle app zooms in on the the comic panel, and darkens the panels behind it. You simply swipe to advance to the next panel. The zoomed-in panel-by-panel method reduces the chance of accidentally seeing a later panel on a page, and ruining the flow of the story.

Long-struggling Comic Book Ink to close: 'I have let you down' | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources ' Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment

In an emotional letter to customers, the owner of Comic Book Ink announced closing the long-struggle Lakewood, Washington, store, a seven-time nominee for the Will Eisner Spirit of Retailing Award.

#comicmarket report from Lowell, MA June 14 [SPOILERS]

I can't keep Thanos as a wall book. ANY appearance.

The JLA Earth 2 tpb featuring Owlman by Grant Morrison is currently out of print & sought after.
Cincinnati Comic Expo ' Swamp Thing Con!

The Cincinnati Comic Expo is thrilled to announce that four legendary Swamp Thing artists'Tom Yeates, Rick Veitch, John Totleben, and Stephen R. Bissette'will appear, together for the first time, as the Expo's 2012 Guests of Honor.

David Petersen's Blog: Mouse Development:

While organizing things in the studio, I found a few older drawings of the mice I thought I'd share. They show a progression of how I didn't know what to do with my mouse concept for many years and eventually came to the ink work you recognize in Mouse guard today.

The Ray Bradbury-Julius Schwartz-Al Feldstein Story ' Part 3 | News From MENews From ME

Julie's role in Ray's early career has gone somewhat unheralded and I assume (correctly, I later learn) that one of Ray's reasons for doing the joint appearance is that he wants to shine some light on his friend that way.  It's also going to be the biggest event Julie has ever done at the con.  Ordinarily, he's on panels where the audience is in the hundreds.  This time because of Ray, the crowd will be in the thousands.  When Julie starts lobbying the con to make him a Guest in 2003, which he will do, it won't hurt to point out that he was half of one of the most important, well-attended panels of '02.



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