Saturday, June 23, 2012

Raven Gregory Gets Jesse Jamesed

 Jesse James writes for Bleeding Cool like an unstoppable force.

Growing up in the 80's you didn't have much choice in genres.  Its was Super Hero's, Action Hero's, or Animals with swords.  So when I opened up the store that's what I carried. Then the Diamond rep came in and offered me Zenescope. I remember looking at him saying 'You want me to carry this in my store?'  After spending some time with him, I caved in and bought a couple.  Probably, one of the best business decisions I have ever made.  A couple of weeks later Raven Gregory called me at the store. Next thing you know, he is doing a signing at the store.  The great thing was, he stayed a extra two hours just to talk to fans.  Since that day, we have become great friends.  He is a very genuine guy and is always looking to help out when needed. In fact, this weekend he is doing a signing at the store with Ebas and I wont even be there. That's how much I trust the guy!  As he gears up for San Diego Con, I asked him to come hang out with the Bleeding Cool fans.

Tell us where you are originally from?

It's different for each story.  Some, I write a page by page breakdown of what happens in the issue.  Others I just sit down and start writing and it all comes out on the page.  It changes every time.  Each story gets it's own special procedure to bring it to life. 

I love the fans and sometimes I can't draw the line between being a creator and being a friendly guy.  I know, I'm a writer and an editor but I never see myself as that and even today I'm still getting used to it.  I've always thought of myself as just a guy who got lucky and writes comics.  If, I meet someone cool at a show I'd hang out with them, like anyone else I'd meet anywhere.  Sometimes you have to be able to draw the line in the sand between your personal life and your professional life and it's not always the easiest thing to do.  But again, I'm learning and growing so hopefully I get it right one of these days. 





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