Thursday, June 28, 2012

Netflix UK Announce The Incoming Arrival Of Arrested Development, Including The New Episodes

When the US deal for Arrested Development to be made available through Netflix was announced, the specific wording left walled any reference to the deal applying in the UK.

It seems like the Is and Ts have now been dotted and crossed, however, as Netflix UK's Twitter feed have finally confirmed, with no obvious reason for the timing (I don't think Fox's deal with Lovefilm counts), that the series will be coming to Blighty too.

They say:

The news is in! @NetflixUK will be the exclusive home to all seasons of comedy hit 'Arrested Development' incl. S4 in 2013.

No confirmed date yet, but we'll post it as soon as we have it. We will also be adding Emmy® Award-winning hit Modern Family + The League.

And there was much rejoicing throughout the land. Does this show ever have passionate fans.

The plan in the US is for every one of the new episodes to be made available simultaneously, and I guess the UK will follow the same pattern too. Mitch Hurwitz has suggested that this format will allow him to play around, somehow. I still expect almost everybody will watch from the front to the back of Netflix's episode ordering.

Thanks to Joe Stone for the heads up.


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